Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Books, Books, and More Books!

Ok so I have had a lot of time to read lately. I am a nanny for a 1 year old little girl (who is soooo adorable by the way), and she sleeps about 4 hours of my day. While she's sleeping I read books. I have been here about a month and am already on my 3rd book. I thought it might be fun to write brief reviews on what I read, you know, in case you're looking for a good book yourself. Anyway, I like mystery novels, so that is mostly what I read, however if you have any suggestions of good books please let me know. I'm reading about 3 books a month, so I'm going to need ideas. If you know of any good books PLEASE let me know!

The first book I read is...

"Body of Evidence"
This is the 2nd book in the "Kay Scarpetta" series by Patricia Cornwell. The first book in the series is called "Post Mortem" (I read that one a while ago). This series is about a medical examiner named (yep you guessed it) Kay Scarpetta. Anyway, each book is a different murder case that she has to try and solve. Each book is also a continuation of her characters life, so it's best to read them in order. There are lots of twists and the story lines are GREAT! The writer (Patricia Cornwell) is actully a medical examiner, so her books are very realistic and keep you on your toes with all the twists! This is a VERY GOOD mystery series, so if you like mysteries you will LOVE the "Kay Scarpetta" books!

The next Book I read is

"Blind Alley"
This book was written by Iris Johansen. It's the first book of hers that I've read and I LOVED it. I will definately be reading more of her books in he near future. It's another great mystery novel. Once I started reading it I didn't want to put it down. Iris Johansen was also a medical examiner, so her books, like Patricia Cornwells, are very well written. In this book they are trying to catch a serial killer before he kills them. GREAT BOOK with lots of twists that make it hard to put it down once you start. I definately give this book two thumbs up!!

Right now I'm reading "New Moon". It's the 2nd book in the Twilight series. Stay tuned for the review once I'm finished reading it.....

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